Tennessee Roots Run Deep

Image courtesy of Flickr We currently spend quite a bit of time in Nashville. My eldest went to college here where she met her husband. Our son moved here in 2007 and never left. He is now settled in a suburb of the city with his wife and two boys. Our youngest moved here in 2015 and remained in close proximity to other family members. And my one and only sibling moved here over two decades ago. At the time, no one knew our Coleman family roots originated less than an hour away. Cheatham County is a mere 50 miles from my ancestors' farmland. Coleman Family Tree With a fair degree of certainty, I have traced my paternal roots to the late 1700s. A probable list of my Coleman leniage looks something like this: Joseph (born 1770 - Amelia County, VA) —-> Daniel (born 1794 - Amelia County, VA) —-> —-> Joseph C (born 1824 - Rutherford County, TN) —> —> —> James P (born 1853 - Rutherford County, TN) —> —> —> —> William L (born 187...