The Dating Years

Over the last few weeks, I've tried to give the childhood account of both Mom and Dad . Both my parents were born in 1928 and both experienced tragic loss at an early age (Mom lost her father to pneumonia in 1936; Dad lost his mother to tuberculosis in 1940). I refer to the years from 1938-1943 as their "lost years." I know Dad went to live with his father and stepmother shortly after his mother's death -- perhaps in early 1941. I have a newspaper article from 1942 that shows my father and his brother as part of the Victory Garden program in Houston. Mom's history requires a bit more imagination. The 1937 Houston City Directory shows my recently widowed grandmother living there in an apartment -- I assume while attending secretarial school. This fact, coupled with oral history, indicates Mom must be living with her aunt (my grandmother's sister). The 1940 census confirms this living arrangement in the rural Texas town of Ellinger ("on the west side of ...