Small Town Life: Marriages

The more I research Mom's family, the more interested I become in her small-town life. Around 1880, Mom's relatives migrated from Alabama ( Miles ) and Georgia ( Dowdy ) to Robertson County, Texas. They settled in Boone Prairie, a farming town about eight miles from the county seat of Franklin. Over the next several months I plan to dig deep into this little community. But this kind of research is painstakingly slow. The answer to one question leads to three more inquiries. So while I continue with this investigation, I thought I would share small-town family stories I have gleaned through my genealogy research. Inter-Family Marriage The two primary Genealogy worksheets I use are the Pedigree Chart (which shows direct line ancestors) and the Family Group Sheet (which includes the siblings of those ancestors). While this does create some overlap, it is not redundant information. Familial patterns emerge on Family Group Sheets that otherwise remain hidden. After I comp...