NaNoWriMo for Family History

NaNoWriMo celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. For those who may question this robotic-sounding name, let me explain. The acronym stands for NA tional - NO vel - WR iting - MO nth. The idea is to encourage and challenge those who say they want to write a book "someday" to sit down and write. NaNoWriMo is the brainchild of Christ Baty. After doing some informal research (skimming classics such as The Great Gatsby, Fahrenheit 451 , and Brave New World ), Baty calculated 50,000 words as the minimum length for a novel. But Baty also knew a goal without a deadline is ineffective. So he challenged himself (and other participants) to write those 50,000 words over the course of 30 days. November is the official novel writing month. I have participated in NaNoWriMo three times over the past ten years. For some reason, I do well with this kind of online challenge. I am more accountable to my goals, even though there is no penalty for failure nor medal for success. If I know oth...