Small Town Life: Joys and Sorrows


Last week I discussed a few inter-family marriages in the small town of Boone Prairie, TX. Specifically, I detailed the various connections between the Dowdys (Mom's maternal side) and the Miles (her paternal side).

This weaving together of family groups creates a tight-knit community. Townfolk not only know everyone's business, but they also share in one another's joys and sorrows.

This week I will focus on one year in the life of this family, culminating with a particularly harrowing month for the Dowdys.

Family Connections

I included the above graphic for easy reference.

The four Dowdy brothers were born about two years apart. Three of them married within a two-year timespan. Certainly cause for much celebration.
  • John Dowdy married Laura Jane Miles (Mom's great aunt) in 1896 
  • Charles Claude Dowdy married Eddie Carter in 1905
  • Robert Lee Dowdy married Mary Faye Crane (Mom's maternal grandparents) in 1906 
  • Adam Dowdy married Beulah Starr Simmons in 1907
  • Cleveland Dowdy (John's son) married Ella Mae Simmons (Beula's sister) < 1918
As you can tell from the Family Tree, several children were born in the subsequent years. More reasons to celebrate.

But in 1924, Adam's wife, Beulah, died during childbirth. She was only 36 years old. While I'm certain Adam was distraught, he had six other children between the ages of two and fourteen. How could he raise them alone?

Adam chose to give his infant daughter, Beulah Starr, to his younger brother, Charles, whose wife was still nursing their six-month-old son, Jack. Eddie could nurse both children together. Charles and Eddie adopted Beulah and raised her as their own.

Adam and Charles must have been close brothers. And Eddie a compassionate and selfless sister-in-law. 

I share this story not only to illustrate the deep connection of small-town relatives but also to introduce the Simmons family. The sisters share a similar fate.

An Eventful Year: 1930-1931

To give context to this time period, Mom was born 30 APR 1928. She is about two years old and living with her mother, father, Uncle Ollie, and paternal grandmother.

  • 17 MAR 1930: Claude Carter Dowdy (Charles and Eddie's son) has his first child, Charles Maurice
  • 09 AUG 1930: Ollie Miles marries Jessie Pearl Jackson (a widow with two children from her first marriage)
  • 11 NOV 1930: Nora Dowdy (Charles and Eddie's daughter) marries Alvis J Swingler
  • 26 DEC 1930: Adam's eight-year-old son is accidentally killed
  • 28 DEC 1930: Cleveland Dowdy and Ella Mae welcome their seventh child, James Cleveland
  • 07 JAN 1931: Gilbert and Irene Miles welcome their third daughter, Laverne
  • 16 JAN 1931: Ella Mae (Cleveland's wife) dies
  • 26 JAN 1931: Laura Jane Dowdy (Cleveland Dowdy's mother and Gilbert Miles' aunt) dies
  • 16 MAY 1931: Ollie and Jessie Miles welcome their first child together, Jacque Marie

While there was much cause for celebration, the thirty-one days from December to January irrevocably altered the lives of several family members.

Adam and Cleveland bore the brunt of the suffering.

The Details (as I know them)

Sometime in the previous year (1929), Adam lost his eldest son, Dennis. Since I do not yet have a death certificate, I'm not sure of the cause. I do know Adam seems to have experienced more than his fair share of pain.

However, on December 26, 1930, Adam's eight-year-old son Daniel was accidentally shot and killed by his older brother. While I know no other details, I wonder if the gun was a Christmas present, and poor Daniel was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Two days later, on December 28, 1930, Cleveland's wife, Ella Mae, gives birth to a son. Cleveland is Adam's nephew and Beulah's brother-in-law. In the midst of Adam's grief, the circle of life continued. 

Less than three weeks later, however, Ella Mae dies of pneumonia at the age of 34. An eerily similar fate to her sister Beula's death six years prior.

Cleveland is now left with a newborn plus six other children ranging in age from eighteen months to twelve years old. Ultimately, Cleveland decides to give up his infant son to the Harrison family for adoption (I'm still researching the possible Harrison/Dowdy connection). He sends his youngest daughter, Ada Jane, to live with his parents, John and Laura Dowdy.

As if that was not enough for this family to deal with... ten days later, Laura dies of pneumonia at the age of 57.

Three funerals in the span of thirty days. I cannot comprehend the anguish.

A Final Note

Less than three years later, on 06 OCT 1933, Charles Dowdy is killed in an automobile accident. According to the local paper, the Hearne Democrat, "his head was crushed, his face lacerated and his body bruised." Cleveland was a passenger in the car. He suffered "a broken arm and severe cuts on his left ear."

Interestingly, the paper said the two men were brothers. In reality, they were uncle and nephew with only a thirteen year age difference. But perhaps past events brought them closer together. Perhaps they were like brothers. 

* * *

Three years ago the only relatives I knew of were Floyd, his mother, Maida Lee, and her immediate family. Thanks to Genealogy, I now have connections to so many aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Although I never met them, I'm passionate about their stories, and I'm compelled to leave their legacy for the next generation.


  1. Such interesting material, Molly, but so many tragedies. We have nothing to complain about.


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