Pedigree Charts

When I first developed an interest in genealogy research, my sole purpose was to discover where my family originated. As far as I knew, I was a southern mutt. I wanted to trace my ancestors back to the motherland ... wherever that might be. I ignorantly assumed I could complete this task in an afternoon. I registered for the free trial offer and input my parents' information. I anticipated I would have my answer in no time. After the fourteen-day period, I realized my quick research was fraught with errors, and I was no closer to knowing my origin. However, I didn't care. I was hooked on the process. I purchased the monthly subscription and started over. This time, I was determined to analyze the hints closely and move methodically through each branch of the family tree. The Pedigree Chart We used to breed Labrador Retrievers. Submitting proper pedigree charts to the ASPCA was essential to prove bloodline. The first sixteen verses of the New Testament begin with J...